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Timeline of Adventures

  • 2020
    Endurance book published and launched Endurance podcast
  • 2020
    Lockdown adventures. Running every street of Edinburgh with 6 year old daughter (500 miles) and Scotland gravel documentaries with Jenny Graham. GCN+ documentaries
  • 2019
    Chile. The longest descent.
  • 2019
    Queen’s New Years honours - British Empire Medal for services to sport and charity
  • 2018
    1903, the origins of the Tour de France. GCN+ documentary.
  • 2018/19
    The hour record by penny farthing. Outdoor record at Herne Hill, then Guinness World Record at the Derby indoor velodrome. Both were then bettered by Chris Opie. GCN+ documentary.
  • 2017
    Around the World in 80 Days. 18,000 miles in 78 days 14 hours and 40 minutes. GCN+ documentary and book.
  • 2017
    Around Britain 3000 mile clockwise around the coastline.
  • 2015
    Africa Solo. Guinness World Record for the fastest cycle from Cairo to Cape Town.

    10,000 km in 41 days, 10 hours and 22 minutes, breaking the previous record of 59 days. GCN+ documentary and book.
  • 2013-14
    Presenter for the Queen’s Baton Relay, travelling to 78 Nations and Territories in the build up to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
  • 2012
    Crew-member on ‘Atlantic Odyssey,’ an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for rowing the mid-Atlantic from Morocco to Barbados. Capsized after 28 days, 500 miles from the finish and rescued 14 hours later.
  • 2011
    Rowing the Arctic (BBC documentary). Crew and film-maker, rowing to the 1996 location of the North Magnetic pole in the Nunavut territory of Canada, further north than anyone has rowed before, 800 miles inside the Arctic Circle. Expedition lead by fellow Scot, Jock Wishart.
  • 2009/10
    The Man who Cycled the Americas, 13,080 mile cycle over nine months from Anchorage, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentine, climbing Denali and Acongagua on route, the highest peaks in north and South America. BBC series and book.
  • 2007/8
    The Man who Cycled the World, Guinness World Record for the fastest circumnavigation by bicycle, 18,296 miles in 194 days and 17 hours. BBC series and book.
  • 2002-2006
    The University of Glasgow – MA (Hons) Economics & Politics
  • 2000/21
    Ski instructor in Scotland and Italy
  • 1998
    John O’Groat’s to Land’s End solo and supported by parents (aged 15)
  • 1994-2000
    The High School of Dundee
  • 1993
    Across Scotland cycle at the age of 12
  • Until 1994
    Home schooled in Perthshire, Scotland

Testing Shimano endurance road and gravel components, link to films.


Let’s hear from Mark

Mark speaking with event agency NMP Live, sharing the secrets of his world-record-breaking career, as part of their exclusive interview series. Mark is a hugely experienced keynote and after-dinner speaker, as well as running leadership development workshops with a wide range of businesses and organisations

A huge thank you to the talk tour sponsors

Incredible Journeys

Expeditions, challenges, TV documentaries and online filming projects. Mark started on the bike with the World and the Americas, then into the oceans in the Arctic and the Atlantic, before presenting for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and recently back on the bike with Africa Solo. He has published books on each of the cycling expeditions and filmed a number of challenges for charity and for promotions.

An Example
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